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You searched for: Tag: love break-up heart ache KL
    brokentearsRcryd92  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 21 entries
Apr 2009
3:02 AM EST

Dear You, by. KL ©

Dear you,

where's home,

am i safe from harm,

locked away in your arms?

Dear you,

am I missed?

Where's my heart?

Oh, wait, that's right,

you threw bricks,

at it.

Dear you,

why am I not enough for you?

Why do I hurt the way i do?

Why am I upset?

O please,

don't give me that.

Dear you,

always thought that I was safe in your arms,

now every time I think of you,

I'm ready to vomit.

because of what you did to me.


dear you,

enoughs enough.

I'm done.

and good luck,

because you jsut let go of the best thing u ever had!!!!!!!

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